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Articles (5 found)

hole Living with Borderline Personality Disorder
How I have been told that my ongoing battles with emotional and mental distress and trauma are an affront to God because they are a sign of my spiritual weakness more ...
Alma Johnson
heart in circle Breaking the Stigma of Borderline Personality Disosrder
Borderline personality disorder is a misunderstood illness. We need to stop being ignorant. This is my story more ...
From an abusive childhood and the depths of suicidal despair to a life of hope and freedom. Healing from personality disorder. more ...
Sarah Shaw
drugs 300 Beyond personality disorder and alcohol abuse
Paul tells his story of abuse, anger, alcohol and personality disorder and how he came to hope and healing with Jesus as 'the Boss' of his life. more ...
circles 300 Slaying the dragon
From drugs and addiction, to freedom and a suprise encounter with God. Now ten years of a new life. more ...